I saw a very strange warning sign on the back of a truck today. It said something like "Caution: Use dummy gladhands if air lines are disconnected." It might have said "air pumps" instead of "air lines," but that's not the part that baffles me. Dummy gladhands? I find that phrase utterly incomprehensible. If anybody can enlighten me, that would be great.
Anyway, I know that as usual I had a lot of things I wanted to blog about which I have now forgotten. Part of the problem is that I'm participating in National Novel Writing Month again this year, and this time I'm determined to make it to 50,000 words. So much of my free time and brain space is taken up by logistics and idea-generation for The Latte Rebellion, a young adult novel about a moneymaking scheme that goes horribly wrong.
I'm also spending inordinate amounts of time at the gym during the week. Inspired by our friend Peter (whose Halloween costume you absolutely must see--should be the second blog entry down), Rob and I decided we want to train for a sprint triathlon. Our goal is to do the required "events" in the gym sometime in the next month or so, and then maybe think about doing an actual sprint triathlon in spring when the weather warms back up. We've been working out at the gym for about a month and a half now and are pretty much on track. I spent about an hour and a half at the gym today, doing about 3 miles on the treadmill, various strength-training machines, and 15 laps in the pool. I usually do that on Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday, Thursday, and/or Friday I do just the running and swimming part, for about an hour. You'd think I'd be losing that 5-8 pounds I've been attempting to ditch, but you would be wrong.
Meanwhile, the rest of us have been a bit lazy about going to the gym ... and have been waking up early to bake bread instead. You're so far ahead of some of us!
Well, I haven't been very productive about baking, on my end...But that will have to change since receiving some delicious comestibles in the mail thanks to certain personages...
OUR gym now has a scary, SCARY thing called Class Bingo, where you sign up to either go to ALL of the offered classes - one each -- and be in the drawing to win a prize, or to attend all the classes offered during a certain hour, or to attend every weight lifting class, etc. One of the prizes is a month's free membership, but it all sounds just a bit nutty to me... I'd rather avoid them all entirely, which is sad. When I have too much in my head, the first thing that goes is the gym -- it's just too loud, too early, and I can't think.
Doesn't that sound like an excellent excuse, at least??
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