That's right--we went to 3, count 'em, 3 weddings in 3 weeks. One per week. TWO of those weddings were in Ben Lomond, which is in the Santa Cruz Mountains, approximately 2.5 hours' drive away. One of those involved a full weekend stay (see details here). Somehow, we managed to cram in a trip to Disneyland last Wednesday, and were appalled to realize we hadn't gone to Disneyland in about 14 years. It was awesome, but I have to say--pardon my French--that shit's expensive now. Somewhere in there I wrote a 5-page paper about James Joyce. Oh, and did I mention that our 10-year wedding anniversary was this past Saturday? We already went away for a few days to celebrate--wisely, we did this back in early May, before everything went nuts. Sadly, I was sick during that trip. Rob was sick during Wedding #1. That's right; germs made an appearance this month, too.
Even without all that stuff, I've been kind of appalled at how little time I have to do things lately. So blogging has fallen by the wayside, except for the YA blog. ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE HOMER SOMETHING SOMETHING. That's all I have to say.
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